Friday, July 6, 2012

Single Car Accident Causes 867
People to Lose Power

A single car accident in Southern California caused a total of 867 residents to lose power on the morning of July 3rd. The crash occurred on Harbor Boulevard, north of Kashlan Road. Deputy Suzanne Talley reports that a truck struck a power pole, causing the wires to fall to the ground. No one was injured in the accident and drugs or alcohol are not thought to have been a factor. Aside from the large number of people who were left without power, those involved were very fortunate.
This story demonstrates just how quickly a car accident can occur and how much damage one can inflict with little or no warning. As a company dedicated to driver safety, 1 800 411 Pain strongly advises motorists to focus as closely on driving as possible when operating a vehicle. Even small distractions can lead to enormous accidents.
                For more of the latest information regarding accident statistics and driver safety, visit Robert Lewin, owner of 411 Pain, reminds you not to drink and drive, and to always wear a seat belt.

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